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MBB Peer Support

You can connect with our peer support volunteers in many ways:



We always welcome questions and visits from families who are expecting as well!

NWT-Wide Support 

Call or text our Breastfeeding Peer Support Phone line

Call anytime for peer support!  Si nous preferez communiquer en français, informez-nous et nous allons trouver un de nos bénévoles bilingues qui peuvent te répondre. 


Call us toll-free from anywhere in the Northwest Territories at 1-844-33-BOOBS (26627)


A volunteer may not be available to answer (we all have little ones!), but will respond as soon as possible - within 24 hours.

Join our Facebook Peer Support Group

Moms, Boobs and Babies offers a Facebook support group for mom-to-mom breastfeeding support.  Vous pouvez aussi écrire des postes en français!


It is a closed group – new members must request approval to join and new members are carefully screened.


We also have a public Facebook page where we post updates about events and initiatives.

Who else is available for support outside of Yellowknife?

Your local health centre or healthy family program, public health nurses, community health representatives, and other experienced moms are all great places to ask for breastfeeding support!  You can also call (867) 920-6570 and ask to speak to a breastfeeding clinic nurse during business hours if you need additional support.


For peer support you can call our toll-free peer support line anytime or ask other moms questions on our Facebook group. 


We are hoping to put together a support listing for each NWT community.  Please let us know if you can help!

Yellowknife Support

Drop-in Breastfeeding Support Meetings

Volunteers are able to open the MBB Mall Space to host pregnant people, families with young children, and support people. We are actively looking for volunteers who may want to host regular monthly support meetings. 


Meetings are followed by a healthy snack. Pregnant women, siblings, dads, grandparents and other support persons are all welcome and encouraged to attend. Taxi vouchers are available upon request as well.


Si vous voulez vous exprimer en français, nous avons souvent des bénévoles bilingues qui peuvent traduire ou te répondre en français!

Breastfeeding and Parenting Lending Library

Borrow one of our books!  See our list of titles here

Postnatal Classes

Post Natal Poster.jpg

Moms, Boobs and Babies volunteers help facilitate postnatal classes with Yellowknife Public Health.  Postnatal classes are offered free of charge for parents and babies under 1 every Monday afternoon from 1:30pm – 3:00pm at the Baker Center in Yellowknife from September – June.  


Follow our Facebook page to get notified about session topics!

A big THANK YOU to all of our volunteers!

© 2016 by M0ms, Boobs and Babies. 

Without​ all of your time, help and support, Moms, Boobs and Babies would not be where we are today!  If you are interested in volunteering, we would love to have you!

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